Sponsors are key to our success. Sponsors can range from corporations and local businesses to the faith community or individuals. A sponsorship consists of providing monetary support (there are different levels of financial support) and volunteers from your organization to build a home. A build generally lasts 10 weeks; we work with sponsors to determine and schedule the days that your group wants to be onsite. Habitat will market your group as a house sponsor, provide construction leadership and ensure a fun and positive experience for everyone involved.

Click here to download a flyer on sponsorship

Click here to download a 2025 house sponsorship pledge form


Supporting Habitat is a great way for your business to give back to the community and make a positive impact. Not only do we provide a unique volunteer opportunity for individuals, but it’s a great team building experience as well. We will work with each company to personalize your experience. Studies have shown that corporate social responsibility/giving back is a priority to millennials in the workforce. Our projects are ideally suited for employee involvement in a philanthropic project.

Contact Development Director Mona Nair at [email protected] to learn more about the opportunities available for your business.


By sponsoring a home in Blount County, you are putting your faith in action! Your church’s impact goes beyond the homeowner, spreading throughout the community. It’s a great project to bring together your congregation. One example of a way that a church recently partnered with us is that Maryville 1st United Methodist Church collected their Easter and Christmas offering to put towards a house sponsorship. What a great opportunity to help a local family.

Contact Development Director Mona Nair at [email protected] to learn more about the opportunities available for your church.


Sponsorships are not limited to large organizations. Many individuals or families also wish to sponsor a home. Sponsoring a home provides a tangible opportunity to live out your faith and help a neighbor build a new life for their family.

Contact Development Director Mona Nair at [email protected] to learn more about the opportunities available for you or your family.

Watch coverage of a 2021 home dedication ceremony:

Watch coverage of one of our 2021 home builds sponsored by the Maryville based retailer Altar’d State: